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LICA Mission

To promote, perpetuate, and improve the proper use of our renewable natural resources for the benefit of all

LICA Creed

Land, the foundation of the Nation, the basis of wealth; the heritage of the wise, the thrifty and prudent; the poor man's joy and comfort.  The producer of food, fiber, and fuel; the basis of factories; the foundation of banks.


All that man builds is from the land. We often take it for granted or even abuse it; and yet many, unthinkingly and unknowingly, pass the land by. What man does with the land will be the deciding factor of his survival.


LICA Objectives

  • Encourage high standards of workmanship in resource management & land improvement


  • Provide contractors education on the newest technology, practices, standards, regulation, and legislation impacting the industry


  • Give contractors the necessary business resources and tools to provide their companies growth, sustainability, and adequate income

A green and white triangle with the words Illinois Chapter Land Improvement Contractors of America. Dedicated to professional conservation of soil and water. Click to visit the ILICA home page at

Illinois Land Improvement Contractors Association, Inc.

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